Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Good news for the red wine lovers!

 With a vast variety of red wine grapes,there is as much information about red wine as there are grapes on Earth. Certainly,one of the most preferred beverages in all of history. Books have been written about wine,movies filmed and even songs sang,believe it or not. You thought red wine could not get any better? Well,you will think again once you read this post.

 Red wine is a type of wine,made from dark-colored grapes. The actual color of the wine,tells its age. If it is light colored it is most likely a young wine,and if it is dark brick red colored,then the stakes are it is a fine,matured,red wine. 

 What are our benefits of drinking red wine,other than the sensational taste and flavor? The antioxidants in it are our ANSWER! Thus,this beverage helps us keep a steady heart,a healthier you and of course a more joyful life. So,the "life insurance" red wine gives us is:

  • It controls blood sugar.
  • Lowers your cholesterol.
  • Boosts your brain.
  • Protects your heart.
  • Fights infection.
  • Helps keep your body slim.
  • Fights cancerous cells.
 Now,that your love for red wine increased by 200%,here is a list of wine types,for those who do not have that much information in this field.
  1. Merlot. (Flavors: watermelon,cherry,plum,strawberry)
  2. Cabernet Sauvignon. (Flavors: bell pepper,green olive,herb,cassis,black cherry)
  3. Carbenet Franc. (Flavors: violets,blueberry,earth,black olive,coffee)
  4. Gamay.  ( Flavors: strawberry,raspberry,cherry)
  5. Grenache/Grancha.   (Flavors: spice,cherry)
  6. Malbec.  (Flavors : sour cherry,spice)
  7. Pinot Noir.  (Flavors: tomato leaf,beet root,pale cherry,blackberry,cola,plum)
  8. Nebbiolo.  ( Flavors: plum,tar,pie cherry)
  9. Mourvedre/Mataro.  ( Flavors: spice, cherry)
  10. Sangiovese.  (Flavors: pie cherry,tobacco leaf,anise)
  11. Syrah/Shiraz.  (Flavors: boysenberry,blackberry,clove,plum,pepper)
  12. Zinfandel. (Flavors: raspberry,blackberry,black cherry,raisin,prune)
Now that you are red wine experts,next time you go to a restaurant you will take longer to order a bottle of red wine. Also,no more second thoughts on whether you should drink one more glass of wine(always drinking reasonably and responsibly). That was it,for all you red wine lovers out there!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

What happens online in one minute?

You thought you got too many Facebook messages or too many retweets or even too many e-mails?
Well you need to thing twice,once you find out what happens in just one minute on the "Internetverse".

  • 150 million e-mails are sent across the internet every minute.
  • 347,222 tweets are tweeted.
  • 1,389 Uber rides are booked.
  • Amazon.com gets $203,596 from sales every minute.
  • More than 48,000 apps are downloaded on AppStore in one minute.
  • 280,000 snaps are sent in one minute.
  • 2,315,000 google searches in one minute.
I would have to go on and on and on,to show how big the Internet really is,but I guess that just from these quick facts you will know that you do not have to complain about getting too many texts.
We live in a world where communication is the basic,the technology has made the world a smaller place for us to share.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

The most famous animal in the world.

 Good news to every person who appreciates the wildlife,of this vast world we share that we seem to consume every day more...the Giant Panda  is no longer an ENDANGERED species,BUT it has downgraded to VULNERABLE
  The giant panda also known as panda bear or simply panda is a bear native to south central China. A 2007 report showed 239 pandas living in China and 27 outside the country. As for 2004 there were 49 Pandas outside the country. The reports also say that the number of giant pandas living in the wild is rising lately. 
 Fortunately wildlife reserves have been set up in parts of China to make sure they can survive and live in the wild. Also a lot of people from all over the world are organising awareness campaigns and donating money to save the giant pandas.  

This big mammal,has been on the endangered species list,for the last few decades now,due to deforestation and excessive  illegal hunting of these animals. Since this animal symbolized conservation and was WWF icon for more than fifty years,it attracted the focus of the international media for many years. The Chinese government's efforts were not absent after the media's pressure.

In 2003,there was an estimated number of 1,600 pandas living in the wild. Now,a precise number is not given,but it is thought to be about 17% more than in 2003. 
Giant Pandas,classified as carnivores,are grown in the temperate forests of South China. They mostly feed on bamboo.  It is easily recognized by the unique black and color of its body,differing from all the other bears.

Aren't they the cutest creatures you have ever seen?

   Other than the giant panda there are hundreds of critically endangered animals. Pandas have taken all the attention lately but here is a list of ten most endangered animals. And they are lovely! 

  1. Ivory-Billy Woodpecker   
A North American bird so endangered it may actually be extinct.

          2.  Amur Leopard 
       The World's rarest cat: there are only 40 left in Far East Russia.


    3. Javan Rhinoceros  

No more than 60 of these swamp-dwelling Asian rhinos extinct.

     4. Northern Sportive Lemur

  They live in Madagascar. You probably saw them in the Madagascar movie.

  5.Western Lowland Gorilla

  This animal is going extinct because of illegal hunting.

6. The Saola - an asian unicorn

 So rare it is almost mythological .

7. Leatherback Sea Turtle
The largest turtle in the World is going extinct. 

8. The Tiger

The World's biggest and strongest cat is almost gone.


9. Chinese Giant Salamander

 This animal is becoming extinct due to human hunger for them.


 10.The Little Dodo Bird

 The Little Dodo Bird is following the steps of its larger version and becoming extinct.

Unfortunately there are thousands of species becoming extinct like animals and plants. This was only a short article to raise awareness about these wonderful endangered creatures. If you are interested and want to know more about endangered animals here is a link that may help you: http://www.iucnredlist.org/. Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Breaking the laws of science!

Ever heard of Mpemba effect?
 It was first observed by Aristotle in the 4th century BC, then later by Francis Bacon and René Descartes, but the effect was named after the Tanzanian student whom in 1963 noticed that hot ice cream mix freezes faster than a cold one. 
And if you are asking yourself if hot water freezes faster than cold water,  the answer is YES! This phenomenon surprised not only us, but even scientists and that is why most readers may be extremely skeptical about this fact. 
In this article written in 1998 Monwhea Jeng from the Department of Physics in University of California it is well explained how this weird phenomena occurs.
Also as a visual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvgefs7J1rY&feature=youtu.be

Do you have any of these symptoms?

If your IQ is below 80,then you are considered to be a person with a low IQ. People with below average IQ level are distinguished in some aspects which are:

    1. A greater belief in the unproven including conspiracy theories.
    2. A lesser degree of intellectual curiosity.
    3. Less appreciation in fine arts.
    4. They tend to be racist and homophobic.
    5. They are interested in doing what most people are doing.
    6. When they get frustrated,they get angry.
    7. They communicate loudly.
    8. They are judgemental about everyone and everything.
    9. They have difficulty in applying basic and functional reasoning in people.

    Now let us take a look at some of the people with the highest IQ to have ever lived.
    • Stephen Hawking (160)
    • Albert Einstein (160-180)
    • Judit Polgar (170)
    • Leonardo da Vinci (180-190)
    • Marilyn Vos Savant (190)
    • Garry Kasparov (194)
    • Kim Ung-Yong (210)
    • Christopher Hirata (225)
    • Terence Tao (225-230)
    • William James Sidis (250-300)

    Monday, January 16, 2017

    WOW,Alaska is cooler than we thought!

    Alaska is a U.S state located in the Northwest of the North America. It is bordered with Canada and Russia. It is the biggest the U.S state. Approximately half of Alaska's population lives within the Anchorage Metropolitan Area which is also the state's capital city.
    The United States purchased Alaska from the former Russian Empire for $7.2 million,due to the Empire's economic struggles. 
    In 1975 the Alaska Supreme Court gave the residents of the northern state the right to smoke and cultivate small amounts of marijuana. In 1998,Alaska legalized the medicinal use of marijuana.

    Everyday items dirtier than your toilet seat!

       Do you know that bacterial infections kill thousands of people every year? Most of us think we can avoid them,but lately I found out than I simply can not! That is why bacteria are everywhere, in everything you see, you touch , inside you and in everything you eat! 
     Don't panic! We are here to help you and give some useful information about your everyday objects. Whatever you do ,you can never get rid of bacteria but here you will find some essential things you need to know. 
           What u need to do?!
      First of all start considering this everyday objects as dirty! 
    When people in New York City were asked which they thought was dirtier: the sole of your shoe, a toilet seat or a cell phone  the answer was overwhelmingly the toilet seat. But they were wrong , your cell phone is filthier!   
    Here is a list with the everyday objects that have more germs than a toilet seat:

    1. Your cutting board.
    2. Your pet's food bowl.
    3. Your clean laundry. ( Disinfect your machine)
    4. Your smartphone or tablet.
    5. Your carpet.
    6. Your faucet handles.
    7. Your computer keyboard.
    8. Your handbag.
    9. Your kitchen cloth or sponge.
    10. Fridge handle.
    11. Door knob.
    12. Remote control.
          How to stay away from bacteria?
      Now here are some basic infection prevention strategies. 
    1.   The most important : WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN! (and use a good technique to wash them)
    2. Clean high-traffic objects in your home and office.
    3. Steer clear of anyone who seems sick.
    4.  Learn about harmful intestinal bacteria.
    5. Wash and cook your food well.
    6. Watch for botulism.  
         We hope these little tips keep you away of bacteria and bacterial infections because most of you do not know how important hygiene is. Pay more attention to everyday objects,keep a disinfectant gel everywhere you go and teach your children the most essential hygiene rules . Now it is safe to say your whole life was a lie; washing machine dirtier than toilet seat,bacteria in your food ...
      Hope this article was useful. Show it to your friends and help them too!

    What is your biggest fear in the world?

    AgoraphobiaàFear of open spaces or being in a crowd
    AgraphobiaàFear of sexual abuse
    AlektorophobiaàFear of chickens
    AilurophobiaàFear of cats
    BacillophobiaàFear of microbes
    BolshephobiaàFear of Bolsheviks
    BibliophobiaàFear of books
    Bromidrosiphobia or BromidrophobiaàFear of body smells
    BrontophobiaàFear of thunder or lightning
    CaligynephobiaàFear of beautiful women
    CathisophobiaàFear of sitting
    CatoptrophobiaàFear of mirrors
    AlliumphobiaàFear of garlic
    AmbulophobiaàFear of walking
    AnablephobiaàFear of looking up
    AndrophobiaàFear of men
    ChiraptophobiaàFear of being touched
    ChronomentrophobiaàFear of clocks
    AnglophobiaàFear of England and its culture
    ClaustrophobiaàFear of confined spaces
    ClinophobiaàFear of going to bed
    AngrophobiaàFear of anger or being angered
    Chrometophobia  or ChrematophobiaàFear of money
    CibophobiaàFear of food
    ApiphobiaàFear of bees
    CoprophobiaàFear of feces
    CoulrophobiaàFear of clowns
    ArithmophobiaàFear of numbers
    Arachnephobia àFear of spiders
    CryophobiaàFear of computers or working on a computer
    CynophobiaàFear of dogs or rabies
    Cyprianophobia or Cyprinophobia à Fear of prostitutes or venereal diseases
    AtelophobiaàFear of imperfection
    AthazagoraphobiaàFear of being ignored or forgotten
    AtomosophobiaàFear of atomic explosions
    Aviophobia or AviatophobiaàFear of flying
    Demonophobia or DaemonophobiaàFear of demons
    DentophobiaàFear of dentists
    DutchphobiaàFear of the Dutch
    Ecophobiaàfear of home
    EcclesiophobiaàFear of church
    EmetophobiaàFear of vomiting
    EntomophobiaàFear of insects
    EphebiphobiaàFear of teenagers
    ErotophobiaàFear of sexual love or sexual conversations
    GamophobiaàFear of marriage
    GeliophobiaàFear of laughter
    GenophobiaàFear of sex
    Germanophobiaàfear of Germany and its culture
    Gallophobia or GaliophobiaàFear of France and its culture
    GlossophobiaàFear of speaking in public
    GymnophobiaàFear of nudity
    Gynephobia or GynophobiaàFear of women
    HagiophobiaàFear of Saints or holy things
    HeliophobiaàFear of the sun
    HexakosioihexekontahexaphobiaàFear of the number “666”
    Heterophobia(Sexophobia)àFear of the opposite sex
    HippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobiaàFear of long words
    HylophobiaàFear of forests
    JudeophobiaàFear of Jews
    KenophobiaàFear of empty spaces
    KolpophobiaàFear of genitals, particularly female
    LachanophobiaàFear of vegetables
    LeukophobiaàFear of the white color
    MedomalacuphobiaàFear of losing an erection
    MedomalacuphobiaàFear of the black color
    MenophobiaàFear of menstruation
    MetallophobiaàFear of metals
    MotorphobiaàFear of automobiles
    NovercaphobiaàFear of your stepmother
    OneirophobiaàFear of dreams
    Oneirophobia or SnakephobiaàFear of snakes
    Panophobia or PantophobiaàFear of everything
    PapaphobiaàFear of the Pope
    ParthenophobiaàFear of virgins or young girls
    ParaskavedekatriaphobiaàFear of Friday the 13th
    PedophobiaàFear of children
    PeladophobiaàFear of bald people
    Pentheraphobia or NovercaphobiaàFear of mother-in-law
    PhasmophobiaàFear of ghosts
    PhilemaphobiaàFear of kissing
    PhilophobiaàFear of being in love
    PhobophobiaàFear of phobias
    PlutophobiaàFear of wealth
    PogonophobiaàFear of beards
    PorphyrophobiaàFear of the purple color
    PotophobiaàFear of alcohol

    PharmacophobiaàFear of drugs

    Our future President!

    Only 4 days from the Presidential Inauguration of the soon-to-be-president Mr.Donald J. Trump,let us go back in the past just to see the achievements of the future most powerful man in the planet.

     Donald J. Trump was born on 14th of June 1946 in New York City. In his 70 years he never struggled from poverty,being born in a wealthy family. His father was a successful contractor and builder in New York City. When Donald turned 18 years old,he did not ask for normal teenager things,but asked for a suit and a briefcase.

    He graduated in one of the best business schools in the world. His company brand "Trump" is found in many buildings all over the world. Besides his success Mr.Trump is also known for many other things such as:passion for golf,entertainment business,runways...oh,and of course WOMEN.

     He was married to 3 different women,and his current wife is the former Slovenian model and soon-to-be First Lady of the United States of America,Melania Trump. His passion for women goes further...he was so passionate about them that he organised the most famous beauty pageants in the world and even appear in 3 Playboy softcore pornographic videos. His most infamous scandal is the 2005 recorded conversation with Billy Bush,in which he claims to grapple women as he pleases.
    Are we not all excited about our future President?

    Also,did you know that hot water freezes faster than cold water?

    Sunday, January 15, 2017

    Your eyes' color can tell a lot about alcohol tolerance!

         Eyes began to develop about 550 million years ago and are one of the most important organs of human species. They are part of the visual system and start to develop two weeks after you are concieved .Here are some interesting facts you may enjoy! 

    1. People with blue eyes have been scientifically proven to have a higher alcohol tolerance and are more sensitive to light.
      We all know that light-colored eyes are the rarest for humans. Only  8% of World's population have blue eyes. Let's take a look at some characteristics of people with blue eyes. They tolerate pain well,are melanin deficient ,have poor reflexes and are prone to suffer from diabetes.

              2. The rarest eye color is green.

       Only 2% of World's population have green eyes.
     Some factors can slightly alter green eye color.They fall into amber,gray  and blue. Specific causes  that can cause this are : mood,weather,temperature,colors around you and color of the clothes you are wearing and lightning. Some people believe green eyes are magical.
           3. If you have dark eyes you are born a leader. ( or at least this is how people see you)
     People with brown eyes tend to be more agreeable,assertive and confident. But what is more interesting , a study found that people with brown eyes sleep two hours less than others, but they have a harder time getting up in the morning.
    If you are interested,down here you will find other facts about eyes
    1. Dolphins do sleep with one eye open.
    2. There are species of lizards that squirt blood out of their eyes as a defense mechanism.
    3. Goldfish can not close their eyes because they have no eyelids.
    4. The eyeball of an ostrich is larger than its brain.
    5. Einstein’s eyes are still kept in a safe box in New York City!
    6. The black lemur is the only primate to have blue eyes.
    7. 80% of our memories are determined by what we see.
    8. Your eyeballs stay the same size from born to death.
     Now you know how special your eyes are! They are the most amazing organ in humans and they are the second most complex organ after brain.They are the windows of the soul!

    Your phone says a lot about your personality!

     Do you remember how your life was ten years ago,when there were no smartphones and other gadgets similar to them? It was even hard to find information for school projects, researches and essays. Today you can find any information you need in just a few seconds.

     Nowadays,we can not imagine a day of our lives,with our eyes "glued" to the small screen of our smartphone. How can we go through the day without posting on Facebook or sharing a pic on Instagram? Yes,the times have changed drastically this past two decades.

     Technology has totally "revolutionized" our lives; for better or for worse!  We live in this "smartphone era" and almost everyone older than ten years of age owns a personal smartphone. And it has had a significant indication in our lives... even in our personality . Maybe you do not believe it ,but many studies have been made that show the big break of the 21st century. 

    Two of the most common smartphone operating systems are: iOS (Apple) and Android OS (Samsung,HTC,Huaweii,Motorola,LG,etc.). 
     We all have heard rumors about iPhone and Android users being that and that,but not everyone believes in them. It has been the duty of many college departments from all over the world,just to cover this issue. Read the following for more.

    Here are some studies and their results:

    1. In comparison to Android users,  iPhone owners are more likely to be female, younger, and increasingly concerned about their smartphone being viewed as a status object.
    2. Key differences in personality were also observed, with iPhone users displaying lower levels of honesty-humility and higher levels of emotionality.
    3. The results from the first study showed that Android users are perceived to have greater levels of honesty and humility, agreeableness and openness personality traits but are seen as less extroverted than iPhone users.

    So in conclusion, Lancaster University's Dr David Ellis, one of the paper's lead authors,thinks iPhone owners probably scored low on honesty and humility because they appeared to be more materialistic. Iphone users only see their phones as a status object...

    This "war" between iPhone and Android will probably go on forever. This problem(let's call it this way) has divided the society in "Android geeks" and "iPhoners". Surely,we will never settle it which is the best. Some say iPhone has the best chip on a smartphone,some say Android is the most practical operating system,and so on. In conclusion,we should start having more live interaction and less online interaction. Do not get me wrong,digitalization of our society is by far one of the best things that has ever happened,because it has made this big world of ours a smaller place,but has a built an invisible wall between us and the real world.

    Also,did you know what dogs do to seek attention?

    Saturday, January 14, 2017

    Bill Gates is goals.

     William Henry "Bill" Gates was born on 28th of October 1955 in Seattle,Washington,U.S. He is a business magnate,author,philanthropist and investor.In 1975 along with his Harvard pal Paul Allen,founded the biggest PC company in the world,Microsoft. During his time at Microsoft he served as CEO,chief software architect,chairman and was the largest share-holder until May of 2014.

     Bill Gates' child Microsoft,is a multinational technology company headquartered in Redmond,Washington that develops,manufactures,licenses and sells computer software and hardware,consumer electronics and personal computer(also referred as PC). It is best known of its operating system,Microsoft Windows. But it does not end here. The giant tech company provides web browsers such as Internet Explorer and Edge,gaming consoles like Xbox,and also tablets. Until 2014,Microsoft along with Finnish telecommunication company Nokia,had their own smartphones on the market.

     Gates showed his passion for computers at young age. When he was 13 years old,practically a child,he wrote his first computer program on a General Electric computer. Once the school learned about his abilities,they let him write the school's  computer program for scheduling students in classes. He was a very good student,scoring 1590 points out of 1600 in the SATs,he even read the entire "World Book Encyclopedia" series during his teen years. Even these days he claims to read over 50 books a year. Though,we have to say that this did not stop him from dropping out of Harvard University(like many successful entrepreneurs did). 

     Despite his passion for computers,he is quite a devoted collector. One of his collection are the 3 rare Porches he owns,one of them the Porsche 959 which he bought it 13 years before the US Environmental Agency approved it. He also owns a private plane which he has had it since 1997,and he refers to it as his "big splurge". His biggest pride though is the "Codex Leicester",a collection of writings by Leonardo da Vinci,which he purchased them in 1994 for a stunning $30.8 million. 

     It is to mention the fact that he does not posses a single foreign language. He says this is one of his biggest regrets of his life. 

     Bill Gates has been topping Forbe's billionaire list for quite some time now. He topped this list in 1995 for the first time. He became a billionaire when he was 31 years old. Gates is so rich that if he was a country,he would be the 37th richest country in the world. His net worth is approximately $75 billion. But the catch is that this enormous wealth is only for his lifetime,because he has decided that all of his fortune after he is dead will go to charity,and his children will only inherit $10 million each.. 
    ...and the Father of the Year Award goes to Mr.Gates.

    Also,did you know which everyday items are dirtier than your toilet seat?