Monday, January 16, 2017

What is your biggest fear in the world?

AgoraphobiaàFear of open spaces or being in a crowd
AgraphobiaàFear of sexual abuse
AlektorophobiaàFear of chickens
AilurophobiaàFear of cats
BacillophobiaàFear of microbes
BolshephobiaàFear of Bolsheviks
BibliophobiaàFear of books
Bromidrosiphobia or BromidrophobiaàFear of body smells
BrontophobiaàFear of thunder or lightning
CaligynephobiaàFear of beautiful women
CathisophobiaàFear of sitting
CatoptrophobiaàFear of mirrors
AlliumphobiaàFear of garlic
AmbulophobiaàFear of walking
AnablephobiaàFear of looking up
AndrophobiaàFear of men
ChiraptophobiaàFear of being touched
ChronomentrophobiaàFear of clocks
AnglophobiaàFear of England and its culture
ClaustrophobiaàFear of confined spaces
ClinophobiaàFear of going to bed
AngrophobiaàFear of anger or being angered
Chrometophobia  or ChrematophobiaàFear of money
CibophobiaàFear of food
ApiphobiaàFear of bees
CoprophobiaàFear of feces
CoulrophobiaàFear of clowns
ArithmophobiaàFear of numbers
Arachnephobia àFear of spiders
CryophobiaàFear of computers or working on a computer
CynophobiaàFear of dogs or rabies
Cyprianophobia or Cyprinophobia à Fear of prostitutes or venereal diseases
AtelophobiaàFear of imperfection
AthazagoraphobiaàFear of being ignored or forgotten
AtomosophobiaàFear of atomic explosions
Aviophobia or AviatophobiaàFear of flying
Demonophobia or DaemonophobiaàFear of demons
DentophobiaàFear of dentists
DutchphobiaàFear of the Dutch
Ecophobiaàfear of home
EcclesiophobiaàFear of church
EmetophobiaàFear of vomiting
EntomophobiaàFear of insects
EphebiphobiaàFear of teenagers
ErotophobiaàFear of sexual love or sexual conversations
GamophobiaàFear of marriage
GeliophobiaàFear of laughter
GenophobiaàFear of sex
Germanophobiaàfear of Germany and its culture
Gallophobia or GaliophobiaàFear of France and its culture
GlossophobiaàFear of speaking in public
GymnophobiaàFear of nudity
Gynephobia or GynophobiaàFear of women
HagiophobiaàFear of Saints or holy things
HeliophobiaàFear of the sun
HexakosioihexekontahexaphobiaàFear of the number “666”
Heterophobia(Sexophobia)àFear of the opposite sex
HippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobiaàFear of long words
HylophobiaàFear of forests
JudeophobiaàFear of Jews
KenophobiaàFear of empty spaces
KolpophobiaàFear of genitals, particularly female
LachanophobiaàFear of vegetables
LeukophobiaàFear of the white color
MedomalacuphobiaàFear of losing an erection
MedomalacuphobiaàFear of the black color
MenophobiaàFear of menstruation
MetallophobiaàFear of metals
MotorphobiaàFear of automobiles
NovercaphobiaàFear of your stepmother
OneirophobiaàFear of dreams
Oneirophobia or SnakephobiaàFear of snakes
Panophobia or PantophobiaàFear of everything
PapaphobiaàFear of the Pope
ParthenophobiaàFear of virgins or young girls
ParaskavedekatriaphobiaàFear of Friday the 13th
PedophobiaàFear of children
PeladophobiaàFear of bald people
Pentheraphobia or NovercaphobiaàFear of mother-in-law
PhasmophobiaàFear of ghosts
PhilemaphobiaàFear of kissing
PhilophobiaàFear of being in love
PhobophobiaàFear of phobias
PlutophobiaàFear of wealth
PogonophobiaàFear of beards
PorphyrophobiaàFear of the purple color
PotophobiaàFear of alcohol

PharmacophobiaàFear of drugs

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